Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Feel free to add comments.


Anonymous said...

I have thought about the quote that you choose from the book as something that shocked you. I wondered why it would be that with online learning there are too many variables that prevent a conclusion about the effectiveness of online instruction. I think it is the fact that in face-to-face learning we have been mandated by the government to test, test, test, and test again. We are so totally dependent on seeing the "results" of learning displayed in black and white, that we tend to forget that there are other, better, ways to determine whether or not learning has occurred. We are floundering because paper-and-pencil, true-and-false tests have never been the answer, but they are what has been presented as the answer for generations.

Kim Salziger

Frances said...

Learning on line is such new territory that there needs to be continued research on its' effectiveness. I agreed that the last one hundred years has been face-to-face learning with litte or no adjustment for the 21st century. Classroom learning is no longer limited to the physical reality of a room or building and testing with paper and pencil, and as you have said,"true and false" is not a justifiable way to test for knowledge. Time to move on....